• Member Benefits

  • Ambassadors


  • bentley2-v-w512.jpg
  • Newell F. Bentley III

    Financial Advisor | Morgan Stanley

  • April Dean

    Community Engagement Specialist | American Place Casino

    "Being an ambassador for the DBR Chamber of Commerce gives me the opportunity to connect with local businesses and community leaders while enhancing my professional network.  In addition, being an ambassador allows me to support the chamber's mission of strengthening the local economy and promoting community engagement, making a meaningful impact. "

  • Joe Rhodes

    Owner | Chick-fil-A Deerfield

  • David Strouse

    Community Relations and Business Development | Deerfield Neighbors

  • What is an DBR Chamber Ambassador?
    Ambassadors promote goodwill and communicate the mission of the Chamber to new and existing members; encourage all members to get involved with the Chamber and support Chamber membership and staff. 
    Our Ambassadors engage the following strategies to impact our Members and business community:
    • Be a point of contact for businesses to Chamber programs and resources
    • Connector of Members to other Members or businesses that can serve their Chamber goals
    • Lead by example: demonstrate how the greatest dividends of membership at the Chamber come when you engage yourself
    • Participate at the bi-monthly Ambassador meetings.
    • Assist with member retention.
    • Knowledge of the Chamber, its staff, committees, and benefits
    • Acting as a contact for new and existing members to help them best utilize their Membership Encourage members to attend Chamber events, programs, and get involved.
    • Name and photo on the Ambassador page on the Chamber’s Website
    • Opportunity to connect one-on-one with new and existing Chamber members, meet local business and community leaders
    • Potential media coverage from attendance at Chamber events
    • Gain an insider’s perspective of the local business community
    • Chance to help the community and show community pride
    • Recognition at the Chamber's Annual Banquet for points acquired 
    COMMITTEE MEETINGS (1 POINT) Points are awarded for attendance at Ambassador Committee meetings. Meetings will be held bi-monthly at the Chamber office.
    RIBBON CUTTINGS (1 POINT) Points are awarded for attendance at ribbon cuttings and groundbreaking ceremonies.

    REFERRING CHAMBER MEMBERS (3 POINTS) Points are awarded when an Ambassador's referred business joins the Chamber of Commerce.

    ATTEND EVENTS (1 POINT) Points are awarded for attendance at any events hosted by the Chamber of Commerce.

    SPONSORING/ DONATING (5 POINTS) Points are awarded when an Ambassador, or their company, sponsor an event or donates auction items to a Chamber of Commerce event.

    Ambassadors receive points based on participation. The highest point earner will be awarded at the Chamber's Annual Lunch.