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Health/WellnessHealth Coach
8 am - 5 pm
As a nurse, wife, mother, daughter, friend, colleague, etc., I know how easy it is to care for others and neglect ourselves and our health. Knowing that we have to put our oxygen on FIRST before others, we must take care of ourselves first to be our best to others. I am committed to supporting and empowering people in their health journey with whole-Person- physical, psychological, spiritual, and social well-being. I help guide people in creating a structure for lifelong healthy habits using evidence-based guidelines in fitness, stress management, nutrition, weight management, health risk, and life satisfaction.
I will work with you to find healthy lifestyle behaviors that pay off for you NOW in benefits you can FEEL, SEE, TASTE, HEAR, SMELL, and TOUCH.
Connect with us at [email protected] or 847.945.4660
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